A secret PIN is your personal identification number, like a numeric password that unlocks your Spot account. Remember, sharing isn't caring! Keep your PIN to yourself.

Creating Your PIN

Dont use easy combinations of numbers that are quick to crack, like 0000 or 1234; they're way too simple! 

Avoid using your birthday too, since your friends might know it. Instead, pick a PIN that's tough to guess but easy for you to remember.

Pro Tip: Use numbers that correspond to a word! For example, the word "Spot" translates to the PIN 7768 (S=7, P=7, O=6, T=8). 

If you wish to change your PIN click your profile in the top right hand corner of the app and then click "security" The top option is "CHANGE PIN"

Got it? Now go create a secure PIN and keep your account safe!